Sunday, 10 December 2017


“Without anxiety and illness I should have been like a ship without a rudder.” - Edvard Munch

I’ve been stretching myself too far, spreading myself too thin, and have felt a bit off colour the last few days. I’ve been cutting back some of my activities and hope to resume “normal transmission” soon. Thanks to a couple of you who have been kind enough to enquire where I have been. Your concern is appreciated, I'll be back to normal in a couple of days...


  1. Sorry to hear that, Nicholas. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. The Fauvists said the same thing. So they maximised the new colours :)

    Hels and Joseph

  3. Sit in your lovely garden. Put your feet up. Contemplate the bright blue sky and your olive trees, think summer thoughts and leave the phone off. RELAX!!!

    Take care Nicholas.

    A joke for Christmas.

    Barry Humphries said living in Melbourne all your life is like going to a party and dancing with your mother all night:)
    (sniggers chortles and guffaws)

  4. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
