Wednesday, 24 June 2015


“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” – Albert Schweitzer

Poets United this week has “Solstice” as its Midweek Motif. It challenges participants to: “Write a poem to share your insights on the events and changes you're experiencing this time of year.” Here is my contribution…

Winter Harvest

Standing on the brink of Winter
Waiting for the signal
That will send me down its yawning depths;

Poised on the fork of Autumn,
Waiting for the pallid dawn of Winter solstice
That will send my heart a-roaming yet again;

Balanced on the cutting edge of crescent moon
Waiting unmoving, for a single word of yours
That will let the sickle slice cleanly through my soul.

A word can heal, a word can kill;
Your word can make my darkest Winter, warm Summer
And what you say can make my Spring, a frigid Fall;
Speak softly, say your word,
And I will harvest a rich bounty – or else dry, poisoned chaff.


  1. A word can heal, a word can kill; - Excellent line really powerfully written and makes the poem just sing.

  2. WOW! From signal and "yawning depths" through the cutting edge of the sickle through the "poisoned chaff," the imagery of nature's indifference and of harvesting blows my mind! How you play the seasons like a piano in this dramatic love letter! But should the answer be no, I beg you to skip the poison and simply go a-roving again. The seasons turn and what seems lost is waiting to be born.

  3. Yes, WOW! The sickle slicing cleanly through one's have outdone yourself with this one. A brilliant piece of writing!

  4. So true that words can make the warmest summer cold; and words can make the coldest summer warm.
    Words have the power to change the seasons of our heart more than anything else. The sickle imagery is sharp!
    Literally AND figuratively!

  5. I think this poem is about the power of words.Encouraging words are inspirational and you are right they can sustain one for a long period of time. Conversely destructive words can cripple but I don't think have the same power. I hope you receive that important single word and why settle for just one....go for a whole shopping trolley full....Beautiful poem !

  6. Fork of autumn and sickle slicing through the soul... beautiful imagery here.

  7. A word can heal, a word can kill;
    Your word can make my darkest Winter, warm Summer

    Such a wonderful thought.. words certainly do make all the difference in the world :D

  8. ah...words are all powerful, you've captured this amazingly..."Waiting for the signal"...the poise is mesmerizing...

  9. We just celebrated the solstice in Michigan and I was invited to read some of my poems at the Bookman. Here it is now summer.

  10. Written masterfully with vivid palette of images and shades of words.

  11. Beautifully written and thought provoking.

  12. Beautifully said. Hard, to be so dependent on another for happiness or otherwise.

  13. The imagery is well done. Great poem.

  14. A fine harvest of words...words change perception...soften the edges of those harsh changes...beautifully written

  15. Wow. I enjoyed reading this. I like the build up of expectation for that word that will alter all. Beautiful write!

  16. Beautiful and sweet, although it made me sad...
