“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.” - Richard Bach
My Very Own Strangers
My very own strangers, the most distant ones,
Are those who live with me.
I look at them, I touch them, I speak to them,
I open my heart to them.
But each one travels alone,
In his own unknown soul;
Each one fights for his life,
In his own foreign land.
My very own strangers, the most beloved ones…
My very own strangers, the most beloved ones…
My very own people live far away,
And love from afar.
Thus the world grows, but so does the heart,
And we remember thus, wherever we may go.
But each travels on his own,
Searching for his soul mate.
And on the pieces of his crystal heart,
Carves his own truth.
My very own people, my heart’s places…
My very own people, my heart’s places…
Οι Δικοί Μου Ξένοι
Οι δικοί μου ξένοι, οι πιο μακρινοί,
Είναι αυτοί που ζουν κοντά μου.
Τους κοιτάζω, τους αγγίζω, τους μιλώ,
Τους ανοίγω την καρδιά μου.
Μα καθένας ταξιδεύει μοναχός
Μες στην άγνωστη ψυχή του
Ο καθένας στη δική του ξενιτιά
Πολεμάει για τη ζωή του.
Οι δικοί μου ξένοι, είναι οι αγαπημένοι…
Οι δικοί μου ανθρώποι ζούνε μακριά,
Κι από μακριά αγαπάνε.
Κι έτσι μεγαλώνει ο κόσμος κι η καρδιά,
Και θυμόμαστε όπου πάμε.
Μα ο καθένας ταξιδεύει μοναχός,
Κι αδελφή ψυχή γυρεύει.
Και στα κρύσταλλα κομμάτια της καρδιάς
Την αλήθεια του λαξεύει.
Οι δικοί μου ανθρώποι της καρδιάς μου οι τόποι,
Οι δικοί μου ανθρώποι της καρδιάς μου οι τόποι.
“Family quarrels are bitter things. They don't go by any rules. They're not like aches or wounds; they're more like splits in the skin that won't heal because there's not enough material.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald