“Love has no desire but to fulfill itself. To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.” - Kahlil Gibran
After a relaxing day of shopping, a little gardening and watching a movie in the afternoon, we had a wonderful dinner out tonight. The restaurant was “Silks” at Southbank in the Casino complex. It was a lovely night with very good Chinese food and delightful company. What a better way to finish it than with this beautiful aria:
Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel/J. S. Bach: "Bist du bei mir" BWV 508 - Andreas Scholl
Bist du bei mir, geh ich mit Freuden
Zum Sterben und zu meiner Ruh.
Ach, wie vergnügt wär so mein Ende,
Es drückten deine lieben Hände
Mir die getreuen Augen zu.
If you are with me, I go with gladness
To death and to my rest.
Ah, how pleasant would my end be,
Were it your loving hands
That closed my faithful eyes!
18 hours ago