Wednesday, 22 November 2017


“But he that dares not grasp the thorn Should never crave the rose.” - Anne Brontë 

This week’s Midweek Motif in the Poets United poetry blog has as its theme: “The Flower: Rose”. In the Southern Hemisphere we are currently enjoying very warm and fine Spring weather, and our garden is full of roses (you can see some of our roses here). Here is my poetical offering: 

The Sun-rose 

Like a pale pink fragrant rose
The sun rose and the sky blushed.
You, like a rose unfurling
Also blushed on our first morning.

Just as the pale dawn sky reddened,
The sun-rose shed its petals.
Dawn's rosy beauty soon was lost
In fast advancing light and heat
Of full-blown day.

With petals lost, within the rose
The golden seeds ripen
Within each seed sleeps a promise
 Of a burgeoning sun-rose.


  1. promise of a sun rose.. how beautiful...

  2. Love this burgeoning sun-rose and the promise within the seeds. Beautiful.

  3. Luv the promise Nicholas, its what keeps us stepping forward

    much love...

  4. Oh how beautiful, love this rose poem!

  5. I love the comparison of her blushes that first morning, with the morning sky outside. Lovely. And your roses are SPECTACULAR!!!!!

  6. Let me sit with this one--the finite and the infinite, the universal and the domestic--love and seeds. I'm just breathing it in. Love.

  7. That rose is stunning and so is your poem. So, glad I stopped by.

  8. Nicholas,

    A scented postcard of the rose and all its beauty. Eileen
