Tuesday, 15 October 2024


“Havana is one of the great cities of the world, sublimely tawdry yet stubbornly graceful, like tarnished chrome - a city, as a young Winston Churchill once wrote, where 'anything might happen.’” - Jonathan Miles

Welcome to the Travel Tuesday meme! Join me every Tuesday and showcase your creativity in photography, painting and drawing, music, poetry, creative writing or a plain old natter about Travel.
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'El Tropicana' Night Club in Havana, Cuba, is located in a lush estate, with a 36,000-square-metre tropical garden. It opened on December 30, 1939 at the Villa Mina in Marianao. It is located next door to the old Colegio de Belén, Havana, presently, the Instituto Técnico Militar.
El Tropicana claims to be the largest and most beautiful nightclub in the world. Located on what was once an extensive private estate, Tropicana has two complete sets of stages, table areas, and dance floors. If the weather is fine, the outdoor area is used; otherwise, everyone moves to the indoor area. Tall palm trees growing among the tables lend the proper tropical atmosphere and blend well with the ultra-modernistic architecture. Shows include 50-dancer chorus lines which often branch out into the trees. Rhythms and costumes are colourfully native (voodoo is a frequent theme.) Top names often star.
No visit to Havana is complete without a night attending the extravagant shows at this night club. Prices are high, but the spectacles staged make the expense justifiable.


  1. Very nice and thanks for the history lesson. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  2. Must be a real interesting city, as is the whole country probably.
    Have a good time

  3. When I saw the pic, Havana wasn't the first place that sprung to mind, but of course!! Great take.

  4. This dance show looks amazing. So vibrant and fun! We saw something a bit similar in Mauritius a few years ago. Happy travels and thankyou again for the linkup.

  5. I'm glad I rediscovered your blog. I'll explore it, with your
    beautiful posts about different places in the world.
    Happy Travels and a fine week.
