Friday 20 June 2008


“Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun.” - Colleen C. Barrett

No sooner am I back home and I have to travel to Brisbane for work – so it was very much a case of out of one plane and into another. Fortunately, I did get a very good night’s sleep the night before and had no jet lag, so that made the trip much easier to cope with.

Several pressing matters had waited for my return and urgent attention, which could wait no longer so I spent two days away, working quite literally without respite, from early in the day until late in the evening. However, the up side of this was that a lot got done some minor crises were resolved and the feeling of a job well done accompanied me on my return to Melbourne.

Needless to say, I shall be spending a very quiet weekend at home, relaxing and only travelling that I shall be doing will be from the bedroom to the kitchen, from the kitchen to the living room and then the same trips in reverse! Word Thursday is once again suitably apt:

aeroplane |ˈe(ə)rəˌplān| noun
British term for airplane .
ORIGIN late 19th century: From French aéroplane, from Greek aér ‘air’ + Greek -planos ‘wandering.’

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